Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get statistics related to child abuse?

Information can be found HERE on the Kid Count Data Center website. There are a variety of filters and methods to narrow down your searches for the specific information you’re looking for.

When was Project Ignite Light founded?

Project Ignite Light was founded by Pebbles Thompson and her family in 2008. The program was initially focused on helping children within their own community in North Dakota, but has since gown to include Minnesota and South Dakota. Currently, plans are underway to see further development of the program throughout the U.S.

How many children does Project Ignite Light serve each year?

In the first year of Project Ignite Light, the program served nearly 350 children. It has since grown to serve thousands of children each year due to the generosity of donors, volunteers and community champions.

How can I get involved?

We welcome anyone interested in donating time or resources to serve kids in need. Whether you’re looking to donate supplies, volunteer your time or become a community champion to build the Project Ignite Light program in your community, we’re here to help.

Contact us with any questions you may have and we’ll be sure to get back to you!

What types of donations are accepted?

A list of accepted donations can be found HERE.